Thursday, January 28, 2010

My kids are my Fun House

This morning on our long commute to Redmond. After we dropped off Gary at school, Chloe jumped up to the front seat so she could change the station to 106.1 KISS FM Today's Hottest Music!! The song Fun house by Pink came on.

Our youngest Gabriel proceeds to sing along in the backseat going a little like this, "this used to be a fun house, now it's full of evil clowns (all right so far) it's time to start counting, it's gonna burn it down, down, down. I want to be a fun house, I like to be a clown, clown clown..." I stifled laughing just to hear him sing the whole song. It was awesome! I think back to the days when Gary & Chloe first started to sing along with songs, time goes by to fast and sometimes it's tough to remember all the fun stuff among all the stress we go thru day to day.

It reminded me of Gary's old record a bear, this was in the days before "Build-a-Bear", it was the kind of bear you pressed the ear to record then pressed the stomach to play it back, well it had been out of batteries for years. When we moved into our house in Utah I put batteries in it and out came Gary's little 5 year old voice that said "I like to go to the Teddy Bear picnic."

Tears sprung to my eyes hearing his tiny little voice, so I immediately disconnected the rerecord so I would never lose that sound. Man, what love fills your heart as a Mother to hear that, the sounds you forget as they grow older. Right then and there I decided to do the same for the rest of the kids, so when Chloe turned 5 we ran to Build-a-Bear, picked her favorite stuffie (a bunny of course) and recorded her little voice so every time you press the button she squicks out "I love you" so precious!!

Next month for the boys birthday we'll be heading to do the same thing for them. I can't wait to hear what they'll decide to say...Maybe they'll sing, out of tune, not knowing the words, just happy that they're doing it, then I can listen to all of them when I'm feeling blue or just want to put a smile on my face.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This would be the story of "US" -
this means all of us

T.J. or Teej, the most amazing husband & my love
Me, Donna the Mommy with the largest laugh

Gary, the Brightest, our oldest who is the funniest and most mature kid I know

Chloe, my most beautiful Monkey of extreme knowledge

Christian, our Little Man of many challenges

& Gabriel our Tiny Man of grand messes

all of our adventures; how we came to be "US"!